
Monday, September 12, 2011

Hi everyone!


Hi parents and first grade friends!  I am SO excited to have finally started our classroom blog.  Thanks to everyone for being so helpful and patient with me through the start of the school year.  It takes time to teach routines and sometimes even then, we find that those routines weren't the best for our classroom.  Thank you for hanging in there.  I truly appreciate your support and eagerness to help!   

This blog will be a great place for parents to check for what is happening in the classroom.  I will do my best to update it as often as possible and can't wait to show you some of the fun and exciting things that we will do in first grade this year.  I will also post any websites/game/etc. that we do in the classroom, that could also be done and practiced at home.  

A few things to note:
  • We started MAP testing today.  I was so proud of our class for doing so well during the test. Despite set backs and routine changes, they all did their best and worked hard.  I will communicate with each of you as soon as possible those scores!   
  • Don't forget to keep sending in box tops to support our school and class.  We are having a school wide competition and would LOVE it if our wonderful little class could win the competition.  The winner gets a party hosted by the PTA.  Let's go class!!!
  • Please remind students to bring back their library books tomorrow.  If they don't return their book they WILL NOT be able to check out and I know they will be disappointed.  
  • A VERY SPECIAL THANKS TO THOSE PARENTS WHO VOLUNTEERED TO LEVEL OUR CLASSROOM LIBRARY!  I know that it was time consuming and possibly frustrating.  

I look forward to posting more in the near future.  For now, I just wanted to get this started and make everyone aware of the new blog.  Be looking for a permission form to sign and fill out giving permission to use classroom photos of your precious little ones on our blog in their take home folders.  

"Tell me, I'll forget.  Show me, I'll remember.  Involve me, I'll understand."

Ms. Jervis

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