
Monday, September 19, 2011

What we've been up do.....

Hello there everyone!  I hope that you all have had a chance to take a quick look at our new classroom blog.  

I have almost all of the permission slips back so far for the blog.  Once I have them all back I will start posting pictures so you can take a peek into our classroom.  I'm so excited to show you some of the things that we have been working on.  

We started a new unit this week in reading.  Last week, we were working on words with the short o sound, like in fox.   This week, we are working on the -op and -ot word families like in pop and pot.  The students have done several activities to demonstrate their understanding of the concept and will continue to do activities that will help drive concepts home.   It is important for students at this stage to understand that words are broken up into sounds  (beginning, middle, and end).  The students really love doing interactive games online.  Below are a few you can try at home.

This week in reading we will also be focusing on reading to someone.  Everyone has done a great job at learning how to read to self!  Next will be listening to reading, word word, and work on writing.  Once they know how to do all 5, they will begin to make their choices each day.  This is called The Daily 5.  

In math we are still working our way through addition.  Next up, subtraction.   Our chapter test will be on Wednesday.  We will have a review day tomorrow.  I will be sending home a review to practice with your children tomorrow night.  If you have ANY questions or anyone is having trouble with the homework it is important that you let me know!  

We had a busy week last week in science.  On Friday, we were lucky enough to have a snake, turtle, and tadpoles in the classroom.  We traveled to Ms. Poer's room where we observed the animals in their habitats, wrote in our journals, and drew and labeled pictures.  The students were all SO excited about meeting these special reptiles and amphibians. I have some GREAT pictures to post soon!  We also planted grass seed last week and gave the seed everything that it needs to survive.  The students were so excited to come in after the weekend and see their sprouts!!  I will send these home with each student when we are done making our observations.  Next in science, we will be learning about animals and their adaptations.

We will continue tomorrow with the Math part of our MAP test.  Please encourage your children to try their best, answer all questions, and take their time!  

Have a great night!  

Ms. Jervis

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