
Friday, March 2, 2012

Thanks everyone for being so great with early dismissal today.  Everyone got home safe and sound.  Hopefully everyone is staying safe!

This week was crazy for me, as most of you know.  Thanks for all of your sweet emails.  Mr. Chase is doing much better today.  The kids were so sweet and caring and asked everyday about Mr. Chase.  You have some sweet kids! 

Just wanted to post a few pictures of the week.  

Let me know if you need anything!

 Dr. Seuss read a loud
 In the cafeteria to listen to the 4th grade projects
Too cute!

 Wear your favorite hat day.  Jayd let me borrow his extra :)

Below are pictures of our bake sale.  We have been studying economics and talking about wants, needs, goods, services, producers, consumers, and profit during social studies.  Our class decided to make brownies for the bake sale.  We made signs and hung them around the school to advertise.  Each class sold something different and we all charged $0.50.  During the sale, each student had the chance to work the table.  We had people keeping track of the amount of brownies sold, handing out the brownies, asking if they needed napkin or bags, etc.  The kids LOVED it!  Our class made the most money.  We sold $46 worth of brownies!!!  Due to early dismissal we didn't get to chart and go over how much of that was profit but I'm estimating I spent about $5-$10 on the supplies.  This morning, we started taking ideas for what to buy with our profit.  The students all wrote some ideas down and turned them into me.   Almost every single one of them said class pet!!  UH-OH!!!!  

(We ran out of the brownies I made so we brought out some heart cakes!!!)

Have a great weekend!

Ms. Jervis

Saturday, February 25, 2012

Hi everyone!

Just wanted to send a quick update.  I was out Friday because I had travel plans to go to New York City.  Unfortunately, "Mr. Chase" (my fiance), who has been struggling with crohn's disease, was rushed to emergency surgery.    Everything went well and he is doing okay.  I obviously stayed in Lexington.  He will be in the hospital until Tuesday.  Depending on his progress, I might also be out on Monday.  Please be understanding of homework and folders, etc.  Please email if you have any questions or concerns with anything happening at school. 

Please don't forget that it is Dr. Seuss/Read Across America week.  A note came home last week in folders that was red.  It breaks the week down day by day, and lists what special thing the students can wear/do.  

Please let me know if you have any questions at all!  

Ms. Jervis
Long u interactive game...

Pronoun hunt!
Students read the sentences around the room and rewrote them using a pronoun.  

Making clocks in math.  Telling time game!

I SPY telling time game!

Friday, February 17, 2012

Students measuring things around the room with non-standard units...

Students creating simple circuits...

Recess/choice time masterpieces....

Working hard on our personal narratives...

Adjective, noun, verb scavenger hunt...

Read to someone...

Playing build a sentence...

Creating graphs in math...

Our Favorite Cereal graphs...

Banana split challenge...

Word work...

Math tiles...

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Hi all :)

We are either winning or close to winning box tops (I haven't heard the very latest but I know we are close).  Keep sending them in!  The deadline is March 1st so we still have time.  We have had several students send in bags that have over 100 this week-WOW!!!  It's all very exciting and their little faces light up when they are recognized.  I love it.

I'll post some pictures this weekend and a recap of our week.  For now, just a few reminders.....

Don't forget about Valentine's Day next week.  The students can make a box or bag to send in to carry their cards home in.  We will vote for the "best" bag or box so get to decorating.  I have so many creative kids I'm excited to see what they come up with.  If you are sending things into school for the party-THANK YOU!  If you'd still like to donate something to the class please contact Mrs. Sheets.  She can help get that organized for you.  If you need her information please just send me a quick email.  

MAP scores came home today.  I am SO proud of all of my little geniuses.  They really are SO smart and each  one of them are growing in their own way.  It is so much fun to see them grow :)  If you have any questions about these scores please don't hesitate to email or call.  (Email is the best.)

One last thing....please check out Wellington's website and go to the media link.  There are so many fabulous links that you can get to from this page.  The students are familiar with them and can show you the way!!   Great online reading tools!!

Check back this weekend for some pictures and the latest from our classroom!

Thank you,

-Ms. Jervis

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Last week was an exciting week!  We had the 100th day of school which was very eventful.  Students wrote about being 100 years old, what they would do with 100 dollars, and something that they didn't know 100 days ago but now do.  It was all very cute.  We made a class book in Reading and a class book in Math.  The students also made a portrait of themselves at 100 years old.  They are hanging in the hallway now and will come home soon.  We also made 100 day trail mix.  Everyone got to pick 10 of 10 different things.  Then count by 10's to get to 100.  Then EAT!

In reading, we worked on comparing nonfiction texts.  The students all were very engaged in reading and exploring nonfiction texts.  We compared the text features in non fiction text such as headings, highlights, table of contents, bold words, etc. using venn diagrams.  We looked at some Pebble Go! books online as examples.  This is available to you at home through Wellington's website.  You will just need to go through the media center link.  It is a very neat website with lots of great books!   

We started studying verbs.  We did some movement activities with verbs as well as created our very own "action" heros and did a noun and verb scavenger hunt around the school.  Everyone LOVED it.  Please work on subject verb agreement at home!!!  If anything, this is what students struggled with the most. 

In math we started length.  A few students have moved around in math (between Ms. Poer's and I) and it has been GREAT!  We are trying this for a few units to see if it's something that we would like to keep.  Please let me know if you have any questions.  Length has been really fun for the students.  They have measured LOTS of things around the classroom using non-standard units such as paper clips, craft sticks, etc.  They even got to trace and measure their shoes!  

Have a great night!

Ms. Jervis