
Thursday, October 6, 2011

This week

Hi everyone!

This week has been a little crazier than usual due to the switch in the morning with reading.  As with anything new, it will take some time to figure out how everything will fall back into place.  Thanks for understanding and being so patient.  I really appreciate it!  We are off to a great start!   I have spent time this week with my new group teaching procedures, rules, and reteaching Daily 5.  I will no longer be posting about reading on this blog.  I will however, be creating a blog that is exclusively for my reading group so stay tuned.  

We have been working really hard this week and last week with subtraction.  We took the test today and they did GREAT!  A lot of 100%'s, which makes me a very happy teacher.  I love to see students proud of their work.  They were definitely proud of themselves today (lots of "this is easy").  LOVE IT!  

We finished up our science unit and started a Social Studies unit called All About Me.  We have been looking at families and different needs and wants.  They have been making a book to go along with this unit.  They are really cute!  I will send them home when complete.  

Please don't forget to continue to send in box tops!  We got 2nd place in the first competition.  I was SO, SO, SOOOOOO PROUD of my class.  I plan to do something special for them even though we didn't technically "win".  Everyone worked SO hard and we only lost by a hair, so I feel they deserve a special treat.  They showed serious concern today when I told them to continue to bring them in.  They said, "we used them all for the first round, how are we going to have more to bring in?"  One student suggested buying cinnamon rolls??---haha

We also are collecting cans.  Send in any empty aluminum cans that you have.  Please make sure that on the outside of the bag you send them in, you put the name of the student, and the number of cans.  This is a HUGE help!  We are competing to see who can turn in the most cans and we earn money by recycling them.  Ms. Poer's class had one student turn in over 100.  We have some major catching up to do!!!!  

Don't forget we have a field trip to Boyd's Orchard on Monday!  Can't wait to see everyone there :)

Also, no school next Thursday or Friday for FALL BREAK.

Hope everyone is having a great night!

Ms. Jervis

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